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France Aj Alimentaire

Kampot Marinated Pepper Corns

Category : Pepper


Kampot pepper is a variety of pepper grown in the provinces of Kampot and Kep in Cambodia. It is the berry of a tropical vine, Piper nigrum. It is the first Cambodian agricultural product to have been granted a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication). This geographical indication allows it to benefit from a protected label in countries that recognize this indication, notably the European Union. Kampot pepper is grown, produced and sold in green, black, white and red varieties, all from the same plant. The climate of Kampot Province offers perfect conditions for growing pepper and the quartz content of the soil in the foothills of the Elephant Mountains helps to give Kampot pepper its unique terroir. Knowledge of pepper cultivation and production has been handed down from generation to generation in Kampot Province since at least the 13th century. Plantations are inspected by the Kampot Pepper Producers Association (KPPA) and by the independent certification body Eco-Cert. Only accredited members of the KPPA, adhering to the PGI criteria, are authorized to sell pepper using the “Kampot Pepper” appellation of origin. In addition to its unique flavor and aroma, Kampot pepper is also known for its high quality and adherence to strict production standards. It is a sought-after ingredient among chefs and food enthusiasts around the world.

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