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France Aj Alimentaire


Category : Oil


Peanut oil is the oil obtained from the seeds (peanuts) of the peanut plant (Arachis Hypogaea). Peanut oil is used in cooking as well as in the manufacture of medicines. Peanut oil is high in monounsaturated "good" fats and low in saturated "bad" fats. It is thought to help prevent heart disease and lower cholesterol. Peanut oil helps reduce fat buildup in blood vessels. People use peanut oil for high blood cholesterol and other fat levels, heart disease, joint pain, dry skin, and many other ailments. Peanuts are grown in over 100 countries worldwide. The main producers are China and India, which supply over 60% of world production. Nigeria is the third largest peanut producer, with an annual output of 2,886,987 tonnes. Some 10 million tonnes of peanuts are used to produce 4 million tonnes of peanut oil.

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